Putting up a business from scratch is hard. You have to pay for licenses, taxes, develop your own products and even materials. Sell them and make others know that it exist. Chances are you need at least 50,000 or more to put up a labor intensive business which others haven't heard of or worse others have no idea what it is for.
Consider having a business with Philamlife, with a capital of Php 5,000 you already have the following to start up your own home based business:
- license to sell life insurance and investment linked products
- proven and tested insurance and investment products in the country
- well known and trusted company
- have your own life insurance and mutual fund savings
- support and incentives from the company (travels, free healthcare)
- FREE and UNLIMITED trainings and seminars
Call now at 423-6096 and look for Mrs. Jonah Faye Talusan or email me at philamlifecareer@gmail.com or text us at 0927.951.8952 or 0916-593-3074(VIBER). Inquiries are GUARANTEED to be answered in 10 minutes.